Watch Episode 3 of the New Normal: Natural Foods Pioneer Adnan Durrani of Saffron Road Foods


Episode 3 of The New Normal featured natural foods pioneer Adnan Durrani of Saffron Road Foods. Our conversation with Adnan produced a number of key takeaways and adaptation strategies for investment, business and society. Here are some highlights: 

  • COVID-19 is unlike past crises, such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and Y2K, all of which were short-lived and less disruptive to social norms and behaviors. Adnan has observed that people are focused more on health (e.g., rushing to healthier meal and snack options) and building community; healthcare and food security are at the forefront of awareness.

  • For business owners, Adnan advises to throw your annual plan out the window, question ‘sacred cows,’ and know the worst case scenario. Identify your most vital and supportive partners and communicate often with them—keep them up-to-date on your situation and ask how you can be of service to them. They will remember your openness, transparency and genuine compassion when things return to (the new) normal, resulting in stronger relationships and better prospects going forward.

  • “Good times build great confidence. Challenging times build great character.” Face your problems head on—and don’t jump to solutions. Be meticulous and break down complex problems into manageable parts from which solutions can emerge.   

  • Will the virus be a wake up call? Adnan says the real virus is the state of our economy and democracy. We have broken, dysfunctional systems that need disruptive shifts. What’s more, this crisis will expose and exacerbate preexisting social and economic inequalities. In addition to supporting disenfranchised communities during the pandemic, in the aftermath it’s incumbent upon us to demonstrate which communities are hit hardest and promote “ethical consumerism” solutions (e.g., greater access to food and higher quality options).

  • Seek out kindred spirits and bond in solidarity to respond to the moment. Saffron Foods has partnered with aligned organizations to do Meals on Wheels and provide meals to Los Angeles and New York area hospitals. Adnan encouraged, “let this period be a time when you express your humanity.”


For Episode 3 of The New Normal, our guest was Adnan Durrani, a bold and transformative executive and investor in the global organic and sustainable food and agriculture world.

Mr. Durrani is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the American Halal Co. Inc., which wholly owns its flagship brand Saffron Road. Mr. Durrani has been a serial entrepreneur and venture capitalist for almost three decades, as President of Condor Ventures, Inc., a venture firm devoted to strategic investing in natural food companies. Saffron Road was the first halal product to be sold nationally in all Whole Foods stores and can now be found at 20,000 other retail food stores in the USA. Whole Foods, the #7 ranked US food retailer with over $16 billion in sales, has noted Saffron Road as being the most successful new brand launch in their frozen shelf nationally in recent history.
For more information about Adnan and Saffron Road visit:


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