Watch Episode 10 of The New Normal: Meet JumpScale Senior Advisor Alexis Bunten


Tues., June 9th  1pm ET / 10am PT

We look forward to an interactive mini-workshop session with JumpScale Senior Advisor, Alexis Bunten. For the second portion of this episode, we’ll invite you to unmute and try on the adaptation strategies Alexis has learned from years of experience with Indigenous communities and her recent research on COVID-19 impacts.

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Alexis Bunten, (Unangan/Yup’ik) co-directs the Bioneers Indigeneity Program. She has served as a program director, media-maker, consultant and applied researcher for 20 years. Alexis’ areas of expertise include Indigenous-led economic development, organizational decolonization, and cross-cultural communications. 

Her business consulting focuses on improving workflows and bringing businesses into alignment with a culturally-diverse workforce and practices that serve our future generations. Alexis also works with organizations to develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills based on inherent skills and assets found in traditional and ancestral cultural values and practices. Read more.

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