Watch: The Quadruple Bottom Line Panel from JumpScale & SVC


Watch below to learn how Native and non-Native entrepreneurs and business leaders can learn from Native-led businesses to improve outcomes through workplace cultural innovation, rather than cultural appropriation.

Native American-owned companies and corporations have led the way and innovated the business sector for over 40 years. Many of these organizations go far beyond simply providing jobs and bringing much-needed capital into tribal communities; they provide educational resources, family services, housing, and more within a culture-based framework for operations. By adhering to a quadruple bottom line, several Native-owned enterprises have become leading economic powerhouses in their regions and business sectors.

Alexis Bunten, (Unangan/Yup’ik) co-directs the Bioneers Indigeneity Program. She has served as a program director, media-maker, consultant and applied researcher for 20 years. Alexis’ areas of expertise include Indigenous-led economic development, organizational decolonization, and cross-cultural communications. Read more.

Chrystel Cornelius is the President & CEO of the Oweesta Corporation, a national Native CDFI intermediary predominantly serving Native communities across the United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. Ms. Cornelius has worked with Native communities for most of her professional career, with more than 23 years of experience working in the Native economic development field. Read more.

Daniel Roth is an experienced social entrepreneur, movement strategist, and integrative healthcare professional focused on sustainable development, indigenous cultural revitalization, and healing arts. Over the last two decades, he has launched over a dozen non-profit organizations, campaigns, and coalitions. Read more.