Tools to Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Uncertainty in Yourself & Team
Bonnie Coberly and Valentina Yaman gave a fantastic webinar exploring Resilient Leadership in collaboration with our friends at the American Sustainable Business Network.
In these uncertain times, leaders and their teams are reporting higher levels of stress and burnout than ever before. In the recording below, Bonnie and Valentina walk you through some key ways to support your nervous system (and the body’s stress response), how to audit and manage your daily energy to accomplish what’s needed, and how to work on your inner belief systems that may be getting in the way.
Presentation Slides:

Bonnie Coberly, Entrepreneur & Executive Health Coach (CHC)
An executive health coach, breathwork practitioner, speaker, and consultant, Bonnie brings more than 15 years of experience as a health and wellness entrepreneur to JumpScale clients. Read more about Bonnie here.
Valentina Yaman, Entrepreneur & Transpersonal Coach
With a deep background in transpersonal psychology, primal dance, and movement healing, Valentina brings over 10 years of experience to her coaching practice. Read more about Valentina here.