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Resilience Circles Retreat


Join JumpScale, Spruce Root, and our Indigenous Partners
on the Kohala Coast of Hawai’i.

This curated long weekend retreat hosted at the historic Puakea Ranch will be both restorative and inspirational. The weekend will bring together a small group of Indigenous innovators, economic change-makers, foundations, investors and family offices for deepened connections with each other and the island. The weekend will introduce the group to Native Hawai’ian leaders building regenerative local economies that enhance cultural values. Our time will also explore the future of Resilience Circles, an innovative model to nourish Indigenous-owned businesses across the Americas through a wellbeing-first approach rooted in Indigenous economic frameworks and cultural practices. On the final day of the retreat, many participants will travel to the nearby Waikaloa Hilton Resort for the annual national Native CDFI ‘Capital Access Convening’ hosted by Oweesta, May 12-15. If interested in both programs, please complete the retreat interest form below AND register for the Capital Access Convening separately here in late February.

the form below is required for anyone Considering retreat Participation.