4 Mindfulness Practices to Transform Team Meetings

As the pandemic continues, we've noticed that the companies we work with at JumpScale are experiencing similar trends: employees feel increasingly stressed and depressed, burned out on Zoom and their 24/7 connection to tech, and craving more real connection with their teams. One of the most powerful allies we've found to support company culture, boost employee wellness and address workplace stress in this "new normal" is based in a set of teachings that have been around for centuries: mindfulness.

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blogBonnie CoberlyGroup 1
5 Ways to Support Employee Wellbeing This Holiday Season

With the holidays just around the corner, this is a stressful time for many. These unprecedented times call many of us to adjust our holiday routines to help keep our loved ones and communities safe and healthy, and this necessary adjustment only adds to the stress many of us already experience this time of year. Fortunately, those of us in professional leadership positions can help. Our organizations have quite a few resources at our disposal to mitigate employee stress during this end-of-year time.

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blogJumpScale TeamGroup 1
How Biden's Win Will Boost Impact Investing: From Our Co-Founder's Desk

However it turned out, everyone knew that the U.S. election results would bring significant change to America. In the world of finance, the markets have already responded positively to the news of President-elect Joe Biden. Biden’s victory will impact different industries in different ways, but one particular economic sector that will get a major boost is impact investing.

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JumpScale on How to Fight Pandemic Burnout

There's no doubt COVID-19 affected the physical health of millions. But it also wreaked havoc on our mental and emotional well being. We've all grappled with shock and fear while still trying to hold on to a sense of hope that it will end soon. But as we hit the six-month mark without those summer vacations happening, employees are experiencing rampant burnout. Thankfully, some influential business leaders are taking action to combat that pandemic fatigue.

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